CHANGE NOTICE: These Courses have been Cancelled

Masks Are Currently Required

2065 Martin Ave Suite 103, Santa Clara, California 95050 USA 

All GD&T Courses are 8am-4pm PST on the days listed.


From basic blueprint reading to advanced dimensional metrology and measurement uncertainty, this series provides comprehensive knowledge for practitioners and decision makers: machinists, inspectors, engineers, managers and corporate executives.

Our customers face increasing demands for highly sophisticated mechanical parts and assemblies, at lower cost. It is important to understand how mechanical designers define tolerances, and the implications to manufacturing and metrology. Indicate Technologies Inc. has partnered with the International Institute of GD&T to present a seminar series that explores the implications of GD&T as it applies to all manufacturing and design disciplines.

Participants will gain critical insight from both technical and management perspectives that will allow them to intelligently balance design complexity and cost pressures.

EARN COURSE CREDITS:  1.6 CEUs for each 2-day course